TOOLS FOR THE POLYGON / MATIC NETWORK 1.MATIC->MAINNET ETH TRANSFER BOT DISCLAIMER: THIS IS MY OWN PROJECT, AND YOU WILL NEED TO TRUST IT TO IN ORDER TO USE IT PLEASE DO NOT SEND AMOUNTS OVER 0.02ETH in one transaction ABOUT: This is a bot that allows you to cheaply convert wrapped wETH on the matic network to ETH on the ethereum network How does this work? You basically just send wETH on the matic network to the bots address the bot will return it on the ETH network to te address it came from Adress: 0xb2354f80e0B2dA3270D637e98F400d0F7B4fa7c3 Fee: 0 ETH mainnet-tx-fee & 0.0001 ETH bridge fee PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE ESTIMATES AND ARE DEPENDING ON THE CURRENT GAS-PRICES Gas-Price (SLOW) as of this request: 0 GWei Please also note that it can take up to 12 hours for a transaction. I do this to safe you fees. TIP: You will see an outgoing transaction on the Bots polygon account after the transaction on the mainnet was broadcasted DEBUG: {"status":"0","message":"NOTOK","result":"Invalid API Key (#err2)|poly5"} Bot by p0nch0#1234 on discord